Sunday, May 22, 2011

Showering with the millipedes

This is just a bit about the wildlife that seems so intent on staying in my house, and as a result, the subsequent adventures we seem to have. Since I gave them the title, I suppose I’ll start with the millipedes. Also known as crunchies here, these little black skinny bugs are probably the most harmless and least annoying of them all. They just kind of inch along until you touch them and as soon as you do, they swoop themselves into a curly little ball. If your mean and still stomp on it, or if you happen to not see it, or they’re littered all over a path so that you can’t avoid stepping on them, they make a crunch sound (hence the nickname). The most annoying thing is that you find these little buggers (no pun intended, ok, maybe just a bit) pretty much everywhere. I’ve been fortunate enough to not find any in the pots in my house, but I’ve seen them in other people’s. The most unfortunate, for them I suppose, place that they do have a tendency to be is in the shower with me. Through a combination of showering with them, and seeing their dead bodies infest the pool, I can say with much certainty that millipedes can’t swim. They do however put a quite a fight when trying to avoid the water (and the steam) in the shower. The first time this happened, the millipede was doing quite an impressive job of avoiding the flow of the water. Unfortunately for him(/her?), I was taking an exceptionally long shower that day, and so it, like all of his predecessors, suffered the same fate…the DRAIN!!! I guess I don’t know heaps about millipedes (or drainage systems), but I suppose they could somehow survive that…maybe.

The next bug that plagued my house initially, but not so much anymore as the weather is getting quite chilly, is one of my arch nemeses, the MOSQUITO. Evil little things, and these, I know to be female, cause they were eating me alive. At one point I was even convinced that I might have been bit by a spider (suppose that can’t be a hundred percent ruled out as I don’t really know what a spider bite looks like) but they were seemingly biting me in the same place over and over again, and at one point, my calf muscle was so swollen and sore, I couldn’t even shave my legs. Anyhow, that was definitely the most annoying which is what brings me to the pets that I had in my room.

They were two daddy long-leg spiders, which I neglected to name until this moment. They shall now be called and forever remembered as The Enforcer and Julia (that’s a soft J sound btw). The Enforcer was in the corner of my room above the door, while Julia resided in the opposite corner near the head of my bed. I generally have a fear of spiders (even though daddy long-legs are said to be harmless), but I honestly don’t mind them as long as they stay in their corners and don’t come down to Shalyse can touch you level. Plus, I figured they could make a nice addendum to my mosquito repellent that was so epically failing. We chilled harmoniously together for about a week if not more, and then, to my dismay (my nerve-wracking dismay) I lost them. One day, I had to pet spiders and the next day they were gone. Hopefully I didn’t eat them in my sleep, but to this day, I haven’t the foggiest of what happened to The Enforcer and Julia (remember, soft J).

Speaking of spiders, I’d be remiss if I left out the spider wars that I fight each week with the ones that insist on making webs on my clothesline. I take a stick from the mulch a hack away at webs so I can hang my clothes. The next week I go to hang clothes again, and there seems to be double the amount of web. At some points its getting in my face, annoying, and web is always all over the clothespins. They’re ridiculously persistent little creatures, but the war most go on…until I leave, cause I’m pretty sure both of my housemates do their laundry at home on the weekends.

I think that’s it for the wildlife in my house; thankfully we’re free of the mice that are present in the halls, and everywhere else, including the cafeteria…gross!!! We even have a mouse that seems to be regularly attending the the Bible study each week. I assume he lives in the chapel. There are also the ginormous spiders all around the rest of the campus, and the stray cats and foxes. I saw a couple of bats flying around one night, and I finally saw a possum. Just an fyi, Aussie possums are a lot cuter than the American ones…and not all of them are in the form of road kill. This one I saw was chillin in a tree snacking on some leaves. Oh, and lastly, the tree bugs, or at least that’s what I call them. I suppose that these fit in the category of still in my house and getting on my nerves, or IMHaGOMN (pronounce Im-hag-omen) bugs. They’re these little black bugs that somehow fit through the screen, and in smaller amounts manage to get into the house at night even when the windows are shut. They’re just annoying cause they fly around and die on stuff, and land on food, and just annoy you. No one wants involuntary black spotted wallpaper that gives the illusion of crawling…oh wait that’s no illusion, but yeah, they’re kind of gross. I am once again thankful though, for the house in which I live because I’ve seen others that are much worse. And lastly, to end, I thank God that we don’t have bedbugs.

The End

PS: I'd like to give a personal shout-out to Jada-poo!

Until next time, be thankful in all things and find humor in the annoying ones.


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